Holebeck is situated in beautiful Weardale in County Durham. The site is about a mile outside the market town of Wolsingham and about 5 miles from the town of Stanhope. Wolsingham town can provide all the necessary essentials one may need to survive a day in the country. The site itself is in the bottom of the valley, surrounded by trees and rolling hills.

Holebeck is a small, family run, pet friendly touring site, open 12 months.

Part of a working farm that has been here for over four hundred years, Holebeck is ideal for all the family. Children can play and explore…while the grown ups can relax and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings.

Booking your stay at Holebeck Touring Site is simple online or you can call Carol on 0791 861 4796.

Terms & Conditions


1. The Park is open for holiday use only, throughout eight months of each year.

2. Touring Caravans/holiday homes are to be used for leisure purposes only and not for conducting business or any commercial enterprise.

3. Caravans may be required to be repositioned.

4. Pitch boundaries may be redefined by Holebeck touring caravan park discretion.

5. No park home/holiday home/touring caravan/motorhome/tent may be used for sleeping more than it is has been designed to accommodate, sleeping in cars is prohibited.

6. Caravans must be capable of being moved, wheels must not be removed nor items
stored underneath.

7. Owners are responsible for the tidiness of their pitch and the grass to the roadway(s).

8. Vehicle speeds must be kept to walking pace at all times on the Park, cyclists and pedestrians must be given priority

9. Caravan Pitch Fees are due in full by the 1st March of each season, although they may be paid by instalments on the following basis; the first instalment will be due by 1st March. The second payment of the pitch fee will be due on 1st May the third on 1st July.

10. Pitch Fees or instalments not paid within 14 days of the due date, will result in the disconnection of services from the caravan until arrears and a reconnection charge of £25.00 has been paid. No responsibility will be accepted by The Owner of the site for any losses arising from such disconnection.

11. The refund of the appropriate of a Pitch paid in advance we will not be refunded unless there is a good reason.

12. Owners who leave before the season ends, will not get a refund of the pitch licence fee.

13. Where Pitch Fees are being paid by instalments, do not get a refund.

14. The company reserve the right at its absolute discretion to refuse the continued use of a touring or camping pitch

15. Cheques that are not honoured, i.e. "bounce", will be subject to a fee of £20.00 to cover our and our bank's charges.

16. Minimum of a 3 night stay on bank holidays.



1. Storage boxes to be put up on long stay pitches. No other buildings, greenhouses, annexes or tents are permitted.

2. Erecting of gazebos are permitted for temporary use during hot weather, but may not be erected permanently.

3. Owners wishing to erect fencing must first consult the owner of the park. Fencing must be wooden, stained not painted, and a maximum height of 5ft.

4. Before erecting fences, digging holes or driving in any posts, etc. into the ground, please check with the company the route of underground services as damage to services will be chargeable.

5. Only gas cylinders of a suitable size for use with gas barbecues may be kept on holiday home pitches.

6. Washing/laundry must not be hung out at weekends. When hanging washing, please do not leave it in an obtrusive position. Also use a window hung rack or rotary line, not a long clothes line.

7. In order to protect the visual amenity of the Park, the erecting of satellite dishes will only be permitted if they are mini dishes and cannot be seen. The Company's decision on visual impact will be final. It will be unfortunate if a signal is unavailable.

8. Hot water and showers are available in the washrooms for most of the year dependant on weather conditions. Hot water may not be taken from the washrooms for use elsewhere. Taps are to be turned off when not in use.

Children are not allowed to play in the toilet and shower block at any time do not let your child play with the water taps in the field as we are on spring water not mains.

9. The washing of clothes in the washroom washbasins is not permitted.

10. Flags, bunting, etc. may only be erected temporarily to celebrate special national occasions.

11. Please dispose of refuse in the bins provided and help to keep the Park free from litter.

12. The refuse bins may only be used for the disposal of small household waste, bulky items e.g. furniture, white goods (fridges, etc), bicycles must be taken home or to the local tip.

13. Please do not introduce any foreign items into the drainage system, particularly cleaning cloths, baby's nappies, incontinence pads, sanitary towels, condoms, cooking fat, engine oil, grease or petrol.

14. No tree branches may be removed without The park owner's express permission. Trees, bushes and hedges planted on the Park by Owners of touring caravans become the property of Holebeck Touring Site.

15. The road edges must remain grassed and may not be paved over. Tubs, plant pots etc, may only be placed temporarily on the road verge, subject to the park owner approval.

16. Vehicles on the Park must have a current road tax licence and insurance and must be in regular use. Vehicles may not be left or stored on the Park.

17. Only private motor cars are permitted onto the Park, motorhomes, lorries, vans and commercial vehicles of any sort are allowed only by prior arrangment.

18. Motor car repairs may not be carried out on the Park but a recognised breakdown service may attend in the event of a breakdown.

19. Traders and salesmen are not permitted access to the Park without prior consent from the Proprietors.

20. No advertisements or notices may be displayed in the window, or exterior of your touring caravan.

21. Visitors' cars and Owners' second cars may only be parked near caravans if space allows. The owner of the park will request that cars are relocated if their position is causing a block or inconvenience to others.

22. The Park Rules may be added to, deleted, or amended at any time by publishing such alterations on the Park notice board.

23. Fires are not permitted on the site - suitable BBQ's must be used and elevated from the ground. 



1. Children are the responsibility of their parents or guardian at all times, and must be supervised so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves, or others.

2. Caravan owners are responsible for the conduct of all occupiers and visitors of their holiday homes..

3. Please respect the privacy of other holiday home owners and please keep noise to a minimum, with absolute quiet between 12.00 midnight and 08.00.

4. Barbecues must finish by 23.00.

5. Alcoholic drinks may only be consumed in and around the immediate vicinity of your holiday home or of a holiday home in which you are a guest. No drinking is allowed in the communal areas of the Park.

6. Bicycles may not be ridden at more than 5 mph, children must not ride bicycles so as to cause a nuisance or undue noise.

7. In the interest of safety, rollerskates, rollerblades and skateboards may not be used on the Park roads, also any other item of mobility at the Park owner discretion.

8. Please do not play ball games near the caravans.

9. Fireworks, firearms and air rifles are not permitted on the Park.

10. Use of unlawful drugs in the holiday home or anywhere on the Park is a criminal offence and will lead to termination of the pitch licence.

11. Anyone who persistently acts in a manner likely to upset other users of the Park, or Park Staff, will be ejected from the Park.


CONDITIONS OF SITING OF Holebeck touring caravan park

1. All touring caravans on the Park are at the absolute risk of their Owner.

2. All touring caravans comprehensively insured by their Own insurance brooker

3. All caravans must be fitted with a smoke detector and fire extinguisher.

4. SAFETY WARNING - do not cover or block the air vents as fitted in caravans, as the free circulation of fresh air is needed for the safe use of gas appliances.

5. Sub-letting is not permitted. Owners may only lend their caravans to immediate members of their family, and when doing so must inform the Park Reception so to help in the event of emergency.

6. Holebeck Touring Site does not operate an age limit on caravans on the Park, if they are well maintained. After that, each caravan will be allowed to remain on the Park at The park owners discretion.

7. Caravans may not be sold with the benefit of a pitch. You must inform the company of the park if you are selling your touring caravan so we know there is going to be a spare pitch available.

8. All visitors must leave the touring park by 10.30pm.



1. Dogs must be kept on a short lead at all times, not an extending type, Owners allowing their dogs to roam free on the Park will have their pitch occupancy terminated.

2. Dogs must not be exercised on the Touring Field.

3. If fouling occurs, then it must be cleaned up immediately, this is in the interest of all Park users especially children, and to be put in the dustbins outside the park gates.

4. Noisy dogs or those that persistently disturb other holiday home owners will be barred from the Park.

5. Dogs must not be taken into the washrooms.

6. Dogs are not to be left unattended such that they cause inconvenience to other park users.

7. The park owners have sole discretion as to the suitability of individual dogs allowed on the Park and to the number of dogs to each caravan or tent.



1. The Company means Holebeck Touring Caravan Park

2. The Park means the areas of Holebeck Touring Caravan Park used for the positioning of touring caravans, motor homes and tents.

3. Owner(s) mean(s) the person(s) that own a touring caravan/motor home/tent.

4. Caravan is as defined by the Caravan Sites Act 1968.